Libre Design

Blog, & News


Libre & C3 Bank. A new location in Nashville & a new campaign for 2025.


Libre & RAEN. Bringing a fresh look to the FW24 sun & optical collection.


Libre supported URBN with the creative direction and campaign strategy for the launch of their second park in Sydney, Australia.


Announcing a Dynamic Partnership: Libre Joins Forces with Glorious Gaming


In the summer of 2022, Libre embarked on an exciting collaboration with Gordini, a renowned innovator in winter gloves, to pioneer their latest breakthrough: ‘dual-layer socks’. 


Libre & Firewire. Evolving the legendary surf brand’s icon to fit it’s growing audience.

Libre wins 9 awards at the San Diego Addy's


We are thrilled to announce that Libre has won a total of 9 awards at the American Advertising Awards out of San Diego! This year, we decided to take on the challenge of entering the competition to see how our work stood up against the competition – and we are ecstatic to share the results!


On August 25th Google announced that they would now be offering out-of-home ads in Display and Video 360. Essentially what this means is that marketers and brands will now be able to effectively advertise through all of Google’s platforms.


FIZZ Factory – new flavour alert! So, with no further adieu, let us introduce you to Blueberry Lemonade Hard FIZZ!


Libre & Ecovative. With a brand refresh Libre is excited to take the new creative to digital. Website is underway with a launch in the following weeks.


Gordini & Libre’s partnership has led to exciting new product segmentations. For the past nine months, the Libre branding team has been creating new 2023 campaigns that will hit retail and digital at next year’s Outdoor tradeshow.


Libre & URBNSURF partner as the agency of record for 2022 and 2023! The Libre marketing team has been collaborating with key stakeholders on creating new events and products in the following months.